Settings reference

You can override some of wagtailmenus’ default behaviour by adding one of more of the following to your project’s settings.

Admin / UI settings


Default value: True

By default, wagtailmenus adds some additional styles to improve the readability of the forms on the menu management pages in the Wagtail admin area. If for some reason you don’t want to override any styles, you can disable this behaviour by setting to False.


Default value: 'list-ol'

Use this to change the icon used to represent ‘Flat menus’ in the Wagtail CMS.


Default value: None

Can be set to a tuple of choices in the standard Django choices format to change the presentation of the FlatMenu.handle field from a text field, to a select field with fixed choices, when adding, editing or copying a flat menus in Wagtail’s CMS.

For example, if your project uses an ‘info’ menu in the header, a ‘footer’ menu in the footer, and a ‘help’ menu in the sidebar, you could do the following:

    ('info', 'Info'),
    ('help', 'Help'),
    ('footer', 'Footer'),


Default value: 'list-ol'

Use this to change the icon used to represent ‘Main menus’ in the Wagtail CMS.

Default templates and template finder settings


Default value: 'menus/children_menu.html'

The name of the template used for rendering by the {% children_menu %} tag when no other template has been specified using the template parameter.


Default value: 'menus/flat_menu.html'

The name of the template used for rendering by the {% flat_menu %} tag when no other template has been specified using the template parameter.


Default value: 'menus/main_menu.html'

The name of the template used for rendering by the {% main_menu %} tag when no other template has been specified using the template parameter.


Default value: 'menus/section_menu.html'

The name of the template used for rendering by the {% section_menu %} tag when no other template has been specified using the template parameter.


Default value: 'menus/sub_menu.html'

The name of the template used for rendering by the {% sub_menu %} tag when no other template has been specified using the template parameter or using the sub_menu_template parameter on the original menu tag.


Default value: False

If you have a multi-site project where each site may require it’s own set of menu templates, you can change this setting to True to have wagtailmenus automatically look in additional site-specific locations when finding templates for rendering.

Default tag behaviour settings


Default value: False

The default value used for fall_back_to_default_site_menus option of the {% flat_menu %} tag when a parameter value isn’t provided.


Default value: True

When not using wagtail’s routing/serving mechanism to serve page objects, wagtailmenus can use the request path to attempt to identify a ‘current’ page, ‘section root’ page, allowing {% section_menu %} and active item highlighting to work. If this functionality is not required for your project, you can disable it by setting this value to False.


Default value: 1

The maximum number of levels rendered by the {% children_menu %} tag when no value has been specified using the max_levels parameter.


Default value: 2

The maximum number of levels rendered by the {% section_menu %} tag when no value has been specified using the max_levels parameter.


Default value: 1 (Auto)

Controls how ‘specific’ pages objects are fetched and used during rendering of the {% children_menu %} tag when no use_specific value isn’t supplied.

If you’d like to use custom page fields in your children menus (e.g. translated field values or image fields) or if your page models override get_url_parts(), relative_url() or other Page methods involved in URL generation, you’ll likely want to update this.

To find out more about what values are supported and the effect they have, see: ‘Specific’ pages and menus


Default value: 1 (Auto)

Controls how ‘specific’ pages objects are fetched and used during rendering of the {% section_menu %} tag when no alternative value has been specified using the use_specific parameter.

If you’d like to use custom page fields in your section menus (e.g. translated field values, images, or other fields / methods) or if your page models override get_url_parts(), relative_url() or other Page methods involved in URL generation, you’ll likely want to update this.

To find out more about what values are supported and the effect they have, see: ‘Specific’ pages and menus

Miscellaneous settings


Default value: 'active'

The class added to menu items for the currently active page (when using a menu template with apply_active_classes=True)


Default value: 'ancestor'

The class added to any menu items for pages that are ancestors of the currently active page (when using a menu template with apply_active_classes=True)


Default value: 'title'

When preparing menu items for rendering, wagtailmenus looks for a field, attribute or property method on each page with this name to set a text attribute value, which is used in menu templates as the label for each item. The title field is used by default.


wagtailmenus will only be able to access custom page fields or methods if ‘specific’ pages are being used (See ‘Specific’ pages and menus). If no attribute can be found matching the specified name, wagtailmenus will silently fall back to using the page’s title field value.


Default value: 3

Use this to specify the ‘depth’ value of a project’s ‘section root’ pages. For most Wagtail projects, this should be 3 (Root page depth = 1, Home page depth = 2), but it may well differ, depending on the needs of the project.


Default value: False

By default, menu items linking to custom URLs are attributed with the ‘active’ class only if their link_url value matches the path of the current request _exactly_. Setting this to True in your project’s settings will enable a smarter approach to active class attribution for custom URLs, where only the ‘path’ part of the link_url value is used to determine what active class should be used. The new approach will also attribute the ‘ancestor’ class to menu items if the link_url looks like an ancestor of the current request URL.