========================================== Welcome to the wagtailmenus documentation! ========================================== wagtailmenus is an open-source extension for `Wagtail CMS `_ to help you define, manage and render menus in a consistent, yet flexible way. The current version is tested for compatibility with the following: - Wagtail versions >= 4.1 - Django versions 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2 - Python versions 3.8 to 3.11 To find out more about what wagtailmenus does and why, see :doc:`overview` To view the code, open an issue, or submit a pull request, view the `wagtailmenus project on github `_. Below are some useful links to help you get you started: * **First steps** * :doc:`installation` * :doc:`managing_main_menus` * :doc:`managing_flat_menus` * **Rendering menus** * :doc:`rendering_menus/template_tag_reference` * :doc:`rendering_menus/custom_templates` * **Optional page models** * :doc:`menupage` * :doc:`abstractlinkpage` Full index ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :titlesonly: overview installation managing_main_menus managing_flat_menus rendering_menus/index menupage abstractlinkpage advanced_topics/index settings_reference contributing/index releases/index